Friday, 4 February 2011

The reason we are running............

Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Mutare, Zimbabwe
Here is some more information about the project. I hope this helps you see why we are running for this valuable and much needed work to continue.

SIM have a long history of working in Zimbabwe and for many years have partnered with the United Baptist Church. It is through this partnership that SIM can be involved in HIV and AIDS ministry, theological education, and children's ministry. The challenge of HIV and AIDS is huge and requires a response by the global church. One in four are infected by HIV in Zimbabwe and it is estimated that the number of orphans make up one tenth of the population.

This project aims to meet all the needs of the many orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS. It does this by focusing in 3 areas:
Education: Often orphans drop out of school, unable to find the money to pay for fees, uniforms and materials. This project aims to raise enough funds to keep 3000 orphans in school for one year. After this initial year, a grant scheme enables the children to finish the rest of their time at school. 

Nutrition: The orphans live with families who can care for them. As food is scarce and expensive, this project provides food packs containing peanut butter and oil but this is not enough. Seeds are given and the communities are encouraged and trained to grow vegetable gardens and also get involved in income generating schemes. Goat’s milk for orphaned babies is proven to be a good source of nutrition and is locally viable within the region. This project aims to buy goats for each family caring for the orphaned babies.

Care: Trained volunteers visit the families and orphans twice a month. There are now 300 volunteers, many from the local churches, providing holistic care. Alongside this are youth camps which provide social and psychological help. See above picture.

Having had the privilege to work in Guinea and see the long term, life changing difference a community run HIV project like this can make, it would be great to get as much support as possible to keep this work going.

Meanwhile - back to the day job -running!
A good week this week and after last weeks mishaps - I tried some new recipes. A bit more sleep, 2 days rest from running before a long run and keeping an eye on my food intake meant that Monday, I had a great run and actually felt that a marathon may be possible.

I am off now till the 28th of February to Asia. Crikey, i will miss my family  (Gen, Sam (3 and a half) and Caleb (8months) but it is a great chance to experience another culture. As for the running - the trainers will be packed - we will just wait and see if i get a chance. I hope to update you on my travels - but in the meantime, may God bless you and enable you to bless others.

Week beginning - 31.01.11

16 miles
4 miles
 Rest 7 miles
13 miles
1 hr 58mins
28 mins
 55 mins


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